Alexander Larsen Joins Baldwin Global

Published on Friday, February 17, 2017

London  -  Baldwin Global is pleased to see award-winning Alexander Larsen join its ranks as President of Baldwin Global Risk Services Ltd in the United Kingdom.

Alexander Larsen is a British & Norwegian National who holds a degree in Risk Management from Glasgow Caledonian University and is a Fellow of the institute of Risk Management. He has 15 years of experience within risk management across a wide range of sectors, including oil & gas, construction, utilities, finance and the public sector, and has considerable expertise in training and working with organizations to develop, enhance and embed their Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), and Project Risk Management (PRM) processes in countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Qatar.

Alexander spent the first half of his career in the UK working in senior risk consultancy roles with Marsh and Zurich before leaving to join Det Norske Veritas (DNV) in Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates with responsibility for developing their risk management services for the energy sector in the Middle East & Asia. Since leaving DNV he has worked in the Middle East in a variety of roles. Prior to working with Lukoil as Risk Manager for major projects and operations in Iraq, Alexander was at Saudi Aramco developing their ERM framework and also spent a few years developing and implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Business Continuity Management (BCM) within Qatar Foundation.

In October 2017, Alexander received the “Risk Manager of the Year for Middle East and Africa Award” by a panel of risk experts on behalf of Strategic Risk and Global Reinsurance Magazines. His outstanding effort in building a successful risk management culture in Lukoil on site in Iraq was mentioned as being one of the major factors in the award.  He has been heavily involved in enhancing and developing the risk management profession and is a regular speaker at conferences across the Middle East and Asia. In 2015, he wrote a chapter called - "Implementing Risk Management within Middle Eastern Oil and Gas Companies" for the Wiley & Sons publication called “Implementing Enterprise Risk Management: Case Studies and Best Practices” and has contributed another chapter for an upcoming Cyber Risk book.

Baldwin Global is an independent advisory group offering professional services, education and training in risk governance and enterprise risk management. We help our clients’ boards of directors and management teams attain their objectives by embedding sound risk oversight and management practices into their decision-making process to have a significant positive impact on their business.

Alexander Larsen's Article

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